We Run Large Scale Model Trains in the Garden


Who Are Members? How Does the Club Operate?

We have tremendous breadth in our modeling interests and approaches as represented by our involvement with multiple scales, varied railroad themes, radio control, live steam, operating sessions, live steam boating, live steam and electric modules, European and American modeling.

We are an informal organization with only one business meeting a year to deal with organizational business.

We periodically appoint members to leadership positions to facilitate and coordinate activities for the benefit of all members. We encourage innovation, creativity, and have a very high tolerance of whimsy.

We think that our collective and individual efforts demonstrate that we are a diverse and fun group with our common bond being Garden Railway hobbyists.

Our main purpose as a club is to meet, run trains, eat, run trains, and have fun!

All railroads have Company Officers, and our Railway Society is no exception. To view a list of club members who hold leadership positions, select the Contacts page. These are people who facilitate benefits for all members, and without their commitment, we would not have as much fun as we do. To view a schedule of events, select Activities.

Join Us: Membership Benefits

Annual membership dues are $36 payable January 1, which includes the right to participate in all club activities, receive the club’s newsletter, and to voice their opinion and exercise their right to vote as needed.

To begin your membership, complete the Membership Application and send it, along with your initial dues, to the Membership Chairman at the address noted on the application. 

Click this link to view or download the form in Adobe Acrobat file format:

PSGRS Membership Application

If you need to contact someone in the club, but don’t know who, check the contacts page.